09 August 2009


just some thoughts...
  • will someone PLEASE explain to me what it is about watching people play poker on television that is so darned interesting?
  • why did american gladiators ever go off the air?
  • there was once a time when cartoons were awesome. what happened? about the only current ones that are "for kids" that are any good are Phineas and Ferb, the Spectacular Spider-Man, and Batman: The Brave and the Bold. (all highly recommended, BTW!)
  • cheese. tasty, tasty cheese.
  • speaking of food... "organic" fruits and vegetables? really?maybe i'm wrong here, but aren't ALL fruits and vegetables sold in the produce section organic? i like my dad's approach - "excuse me, could you direct me to the inorganic lettuce?"
  • one of the most fun things in the world to do? cats with laser pointers. on linoleum.
  • if there is any advice i could give myself when i was a kid, it would be to enjoy being a kid, read plenty, spend time with your family, and learn to study, stupid!
  • when i come up with ideas to write about, i really should write them down, or just write.
  • monkeys.

wow. where did all that come from?

1 comment:

  1. here here on the cartoons....there are a ton of lame cartoons they keep throwing at kids these days.
    Ninja warrior = the new not so American gladiator.
